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Old 25-01-2016, 01:22 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Yes, saw it when we were in the car. Anyway dpearture hall and arrival hall. There were more polisi on patrol and also on high alert mode.
Thats was one of my biggest worry.More police may means more of them eyeing for "money" this festive season and thats in the name of protecting the tourists. I think i am more afraid of those corrupted policemen than the terrorist,hehehe..

I always keep this set of Batam telephone number stated below with me whenever i visit Batam:

In case one day things like the below happen to me:

Originally Posted by Ratcool69 View Post
Dear Bros, be cautioned...Batam is becoming from bad to worse.. my friend had just returned from his trip from Batam..yup one night in a hotel and two nights in Barelang Polta Base..that's right he spent two nights in jail..

He had gone over to Batam to have his wife's passport to be stamped and come back in to Singapore (his wife is an Indonesian).

His room door was knocked on at 6am in the morning and was entered by 4 polisi and wanted to check his room and they said that he had drugs with him..they checked the room profusely..after about 15 mins of checking (he doesn't play or use all these drugs)..all of a sudden one of the polisi suddenly came out with 1/2 a pill of E..he got a shock and asked where did the polisi find this and the polisi said just underneath the bed on the floor...

they immeadiately handcuffed him and demanded SGD$12,000.00 yup that's right SINGAPORE DOLLAR TWELVE THOUSAND..he explained to them that he does not use drugs and do not know where that 1/2 pill came from..he asked them to do a urine test on him and they said no need..

how..they asked him..after much talk they said ok ok SGD$8000..they will settle but he have to sit inside until the money is handed over...BASTARDS!!!!

he called his friends in Singapore to have the money brought over..they then brought over the money and handed it over..they then released him..

This is becoming too much..this is because of the bloody polisi got no money to take from the judi as everything is closed and all of a sudden they have no rich lifestyles they aim people..somehow..I also believe that he was marked from the start..

this is bad..very bad..go to batam..calculate budget..ok ok $200.00 can cheong..then pay until your ass hole burns..

I think I will take a break from batam for the time's getting to hot in there..don't want to get burnt..and one burnt will be very painfull..
And i read about the solution provided by another bro to the above :

Originally Posted by eddy View Post
I have rarely been to Batam but the rest of Indonesia is my rice bowl and playground for many years now.

By Indonesian law, you can only be held up to 24hrs after which you are entitled to a phone call. In the interim, as much as they want to force a statement out of you (I am sure your friend has signed some kind of confession), you have EVERY right to refuse to say, write or sign anything without the advise of your lawyer.

Its a poker game.....depends on how long you will last and if you succumb to their mind games. And dont be afraid to demand for your phone call.

Remember.....THEY HAVE 24HRS TO FORMALLY CHARGE they are pressed for time too. After 24hrs, bang table, throw a tantrum, threaten to report them etc etc etc if they do not allow you a phone call OR RELEASE YOU.....they can delay this by a few more days to 'extend' their investigations but REMEMBER YOU ARE ALLOWED 1 PHONE CALL AFTER HOLDING YOU FOR 24HRS

One way to avoid the mind games and pshyco tricks is to just ask for a cell and when in the cell, go to sleep! This is super cool and will frustrate them them impression that you have been through all this shit before.....remember, mind games, now YOU play your mind game with them BY ASKING FOR A CELL and BY GOING TO SLEEP. Almost 100% guarantee u will be out of there in 6-12 hrs if you can give them a little $$$ for all that wayang.

Same thing happened to me 2 times alrealdy......once in Makassar, South Sulawesi 4 years ago and another time in Palu, Central Sulawesi.

Both times, I told them not to waste my time, that I know the law in Indonesia and just offered them 5mil rupiah (Makassar) and 3mil rupiah (Palu) to save everyone the trouble and time......I was out of the station after about 5-6 hrs each time. I had all those involved in both incidents sacked once I got back to Jakarta and complained/explained to my big bosses

Remember THEY CANNOT TOUCH YOU......but they sure as hell will try to scare and frighten u until u shit in your pants......just stay cool.

Nothing will happen to you.
It pays to read and seek for solution to a problem faced...of course the author of the post is talking about Jakarta,but lets not forget there is a Singapore Consulate in Batam as attached on :

Originally Posted by eddy View Post
and for those of you who go to Indonesia on business PLEASE dont assume Singapore is part of ASEAN so no need to apply for a visa.

IF YOU ARE DOING BUSINESS IN INDONESIA OR EVEN TALKING ABOUT BUSINESS, YOU NEED TO APPLY FOR A BUSINESS VISA. I think the first time applicant will be given a 3-6 month visa while subsequent renewals is usually for a 1 year period.

Yes you can try to escape applying for business visa but when caught with company/product brouchures, proposals, laptop full of business info etc etc WILL be in trouble because its an immigration offence.

This kind of offence will bring only a small penalty but is troublesome in the face of evidence. However, they MUST hand you over to immigration authorities and have no right to hold you.........

REMEMBER....... its all mind games everyone is playing..... threaten that your career/married life is finished, bluffing that it normally takes 3 months before they produce you in court etc etc etc blah blah blah.......while it is TRUE that the case will take months to get to court, you just cook in the cell for a couple of days max before your lawyer or relative will come to BAIL U OUT.

The FIRST CALL you should make is to the Singapore Embassy in Jakarta and look for the attache in-charge of immigration affairs.....the phone number is 62-811- 863-348 and tell them your problem, (PLEASE dont forget to tell them where you are, hor). This immediately puts you on the Singapore embassy radar and initiates a case file.

Its important to tell Embassy exactly where you are, hor. Dont waste your time at the station looking down at the floor. Indonesian customs/army/police/immigration authorities always like to 'dress up' their offices and it will be very easy for you to glance around and see all this info plastered all over the place. If it helps, please also look out the car/van window when they transport you back to station for road name or landmarks (Eg. 'I dunno where this place is in XXXXXX town but its very near a Mc Donalds/mall called XXXXX etc etc ). It makes it easier for them to find out your exact location because the station where you are held might take a fucking long time to call the embassy (if they are willing to contact the embassy at all) many large towns there are normally a FEW police stations and also Polisi Intel (Police Intelligence) dont just waste time and get moody, keep your eyes peeled for clues on your whereabouts.....makes everybody job easier.

Anybody want to talk to you or ask you questions, ALWAYS demand to see their ID and take down names and ID numbers. This is required by Indonesian Law and they cannot deny you this information.

NO the Singapore Embassy will NOT bail you out (they dont know if you are really innocent or guilty, thats fair) but at least they can inform your family or relatives where you are and also that means you are no longer 'lost' or 'missing'. Someone from the embassy will visit you to check that you are in OK physical condition and none of your human rights are abused. The embassy rep will also take note of your requests (like 'inform my gf/boss/landlord etc etc' ) and advise you of your rights.

Even if they did not abuse you, PLEASE LIE and complain that you have been pushed around and physically abused etc etc.....the embassy will make it very clear in no uncertain terms to the polisi that you are not to be touched, that your cell must meet minimum hygine standards, that you must be properly fed and hydrated.

They will ask the polisi to check your passport to verify that you are indeed a Singaporean and at same time remind them of your rights.

It is RARE that you will get to this stage but who knows.....anyway its RARE because they want money and want it QUICK......

NOW please hor.....dont be a stingy bastard.......if you want to get out quick.....just empty your pockets of every single cent u have and tell them that THAT's IT.......take it all and settle up because you have NOBODY, NO FRIENDS, NO RELATIVES, NO PARENTS etc etc that will come help save you with S$20,000 because you work as a factory supervisor drawing low pay.......and THATS WHY YOU GO BATAM/BINTAN FOR A CHEAP HOLIDAY !!! (Please for God sake dont say 'thats why I go Batam to look for prostitutes!!!!' ) (this is for mongers caught in nearby indonesian islands)

Oh one more thing....if u have the balls.....u can curse them in their face (especially AFTER the embassy official visit you).......they cant touch you or lay a finger on you.
Tho all the quoted post above here were more than 11 years old with some coming to 12 ,but all these streetsmart basics will always be valid for the many years to come for any Batam travellers.

Another more than 11 years old advise...

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info