The Asian Commercial Sex Scene

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iamthe1 20-05-2010 04:47 PM

My Tom Yum sexperience
hi all, this is my 1st attempt at writing stories so i hope all u seniors can guide me along...

the following story is abt 85-90% accurate because it happened abt 4 yrs ago n i might not be able to remember everything so clearly...

it all started when my best friend Don brought me to a Thai Disco somewhere near town... he had been telling me abt this place for a few weeks but i kept giving excuses that i was busy with work or i had to watch a show wif my gf or whatever other lame excuses i could think of... but on that fateful day i had ran out of excuses and i agreed to go with him...

as we entered the Disco, the place was quite dark n crowded... almost every table was packed with pple... i scan my eyes around and realised there was a stage at the front and there were a few girls dancing... Don brought me to a table where another of his friend Ken was already waiting for us...

before i could sit, a girl came over n said hello... i said hello back n saw that she was wearing a yellow singlet which was so tight that her huge breasts were almost spilling out...

to be continued...

stairway 20-05-2010 04:50 PM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
1st camper reporting, pitch tent liao..

HonestFR 20-05-2010 06:56 PM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
this is a good start. will camp here for more.

iamthe1 21-05-2010 01:07 AM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience

Originally Posted by iamthe1 (Post 4855929)
before i could sit, a girl came over n said hello... i said hello back n saw that she was wearing a yellow singlet which was so tight that her huge breasts were almost spilling out...
to be continued...

as i looked down, i saw that she was wearing a pair of hot pants wif high heels... it made her legs seem to go on forever... woo... Don nudged me n asked "How? Can or not?"

Me: can or not wat?
Don: u like her or not?
Me: yea she damn chio...
Don: u like her then buy her a drink la!!
Me: huh? y muz buy drink?
Don: to show that u like her lo...
Me: ah... like that ah... nvm then... (i know i look veri stingy here)
Don: knn 1 drink $10 nia... no money meh?
Me: no la... slowly le... i juz come here 1st time... relax la...

I turned back towards her n began to strike a conversation...

Me: wat ur name?
Danielle: my name Danielle...
Me: oh... nice name... u veri beautiful...
Danielle: thank u... (she beamed brightly n i was mesmerised by her smile...)
Me: so how old r u?
Danielle: i 22... hey i gotta go... my turn to sing liao...

As she left, i was staring at her... her hips were swaying from left to right and i was tinking to myself... if oni i can spend a night wif her, i can die happy!! suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a voice...

Felicia: hello!!
Me: erh... oh... hello...
Felicia: my name felicia... wat ur name?
Me: iamthe1...
Felicia: u 1st time come here?
Me: yea... 1st time... how u know?
Felicia: oh... nvr c u b4 ma... (wah... her memory so good meh?)
Me: u mean u know everyone here?
Felicia: no la... but i nvr c u come wif Don n Ken b4...
Me: oic... so u singer also?
Felicia: yea... next song my turn...

my eyes were busy "molesting her"... she was wearing a black tube n mini skirt n was standing between my open legs... she was quite close to me n i could smell her enticing perfume which had a flowery scent... the moment i glanced down i could c her long kang was veri deep... it was an arousing sight... i shld have come here earlier... y did i keep rejecting Don when he jio me come here?!?

my hands were on my knees n i realli had this urge to put my arms around her waist n pull her closer towards me n bury my face between those 2 peaks... b4 i could do anything, she looked at me n said...

Felicia: hey this song finishing liao... i have to go prepare...
Me: ok... take care...
Felicia: i talk to u later...

as she left, her hands rubbed my thighs n she gave me a gentle squeeze... i could feel my cock hardening n i noticed Don n Ken grinning at me...

to be continued...

HonestFR 21-05-2010 01:14 AM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
set up tent n pop corn, more pls.

c_a_koh 21-05-2010 01:38 AM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
bro.. continue pls.. waiting

joew2005 21-05-2010 03:41 AM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
whoa ..... so happening or not ??

Danielle or Felicia: 1st 4 u ??

picador 21-05-2010 05:33 AM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
Please continue.

Joris 21-05-2010 09:20 AM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
Spicy. I also squeezing now...

iamthe1 21-05-2010 12:43 PM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience

Originally Posted by iamthe1 (Post 4856913)
as she left, her hands rubbed my thighs n she gave me a gentle squeeze... i could feel my cock hardening n i noticed Don n Ken grinning at me...

Me: wat??
Ken: dun so ngiow... buy them drink...
Me: for wat?
Ken: trust me... u wan to bring them out juz buy them drink...
Me: so easy meh?
Ken: ya la... that's how i did it... buy drink buy flower then settle liao...
Me: oh... who u up liao?
Ken: Felicia lo... she damn power... her bj best!!
Don: got video proof some more!!
Me: huh? chun bo?
Ken: ya... i show u...

Don n i immediately crowded around Ken and he showed us a very low quality video on his handphone... there was a girl kneeling between 2 legs n her head was moving up n down, up n down...

Ken: there... this is Felicia lo... sucking my cock...
Me: can't c ur face le...
Ken: knn i video-ing her how to show my face!!
Me: oh... hehehe...
Ken: can one... some more u got car... the girls sure go out wif u one...

as we were chatting, i saw don pulling a girl over to our table... she was abt abt 1.6m, damn sexy hour glass figure n wearing a brown babydoll dress with high heel boots... her hair was tied in a ponytail n she had fake eye lashes n pouty lips...

Jolie: hi wat ur name?
Me: iamthe1... u?
Jolie: Jolie... i come back later my turn to sing...

and with that, she ran off towards the stage... my eyes were glued to her n soon the song Buttons by Pussycat Dolls was playing... Jolie was now on stage n she had changed into a brown singlet and denim hot pants... the singlet was rolled up n tied juz below her breasts n exposed her taut midriff... she was still wearing the high heel boots n was slithering around the stage... the sight of her dancing in such an erotic manner was juz too tantalising n i noticed that almost every pair of eyes in the Disco was now looking at her...

her voice was quite powerful as she sang the song... it was abit out of tune but who the hell cares abt the singing!! everyone was looking at how this nymphet was moving around the stage n capturing e hearts of every hot-blooded guy out there... then a fat lady walked towards her n hung some kind of garland on her... i turned towards Don and asked "wat's that?"

Don: flower lo...
Me: huh?? for wat?
Don: each one $10... u like her u buy for her...
Me: wah... then that auntie hang so many on her... alot of money ah...
Don: aiyah... all these small small... wait u c...

as i continued to watch Jolie dance n sing on stage, i saw the auntie put a sash around her... the sash was those kind that those beauty pageant when they win some awards... but instead of the words "ms singapore", i saw "$100"... then i saw "$200"... then "$500"!! wat the fuck!!

Me: wah these pple crazy ah!!
Don: normal le...
Me: normal?!? their money too much dunno where to spend ah??
Don: u give more, got higher chance to ask her out ma...
Me: like that one meh?
Don: ah bu then...

as the song was finishing, Jolie untied her hair n it all fell down n covered part of her face... for the grand finale, she was on all fours on the ground... her head looked up towards the audience n she had a really really slutty cfm look... she put her finger towards her lips n pouted... i was staring at her with my mouth open n there n then i decided that i realli muz have her... the bulge in my jeans was throbbing in agreement...

to be continued...

abdii 21-05-2010 12:52 PM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
Waiting for your continuation and thanks.

lickme 21-05-2010 04:36 PM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
Nice and spicy tomyam soup :) more please :)

Lancerlord75 21-05-2010 10:10 PM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
Sawadee!! Good Story bro.....keep it up!!

Pizza 1for1 21-05-2010 10:12 PM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
Nice start bro.

iamthe1 21-05-2010 11:09 PM

Re: My Tom Yum sexperience
thank u for all the positive comments n support so far... khob kun kup...


as the song was finishing, Jolie untied her hair n it all fell down n covered part of her face... for the grand finale, she was on all fours on the ground... her head looked up towards the audience n she had a really really slutty cfm look... she put her finger towards her lips n pouted... i was staring at her with my mouth open n there n then i decided that i realli muz have her... the bulge in my jeans was throbbing in agreement...
by now i had totally forgotten abt Danielle n Felicia liao... i juz couldnt get Jolie out of my head... her slutty face, her gyrating hips, her long shapely legs, her well-rounded boobs kept flashing into my head... by now jolie had already left the stage n was going round the whole disco chatting n drinking with the "supporters" who had bought her "flowers"...

as i was watching her, a figure appeared b4 me n blocked my view... then Don spoke...

Don: meet Leslie... he's the boss here...
Leslie: hi i'm leslie...
Me: hi...
Leslie: come come... drink... (n we all lifted our glasses n drank...)

we had some small talk n then leslie left n went to another table...

Me: wah u all power la... know the boss even...
Don: of cos man... we come every night... we open bottle every time...
Me: wah seh...
Ken: eh... u shld join us more often... dun waste time go to those ktv pubs... come here sure got kang tao one...
Me: hmmm....
Ken: today martin not free, otherwise he oso come with us every night... he is our "godfather"... he can speak thai very well and already up a few of the girls liao...
Me: ic... how many girls here?
Don: alot la... but we dun go for dancers hor...
Me: dancers?
Don: there... those that dance on stage during the break from performance...
Me: y not?
Don: singer more high class ma...
Me: oh... hahaha...

as we were chatting, felicia came over to our table n started chatting with ken... ken had his arms around her waist n she was whispering in his ears... they were talking n laughing at the same time n kept looking at me... i was wondering wat they were saying but they both refused to say anything when i asked... so i turned to don n started chit chatting with him...

felicia n ken were soon kissing each other n she was rubbing her hands at his groin area... ken was squeezing her butt n when he caught me looking, he gave me a sly wink... i thought this place is realli happening!! soon felicia left n ken started talking nonsense again...

Ken: oei... ask u come here n u nvr spend any money...
Me: money hard to earn le...
Ken: dun bluff la... we all know u making good money...
Me: where got...
Ken: u start ur own business n buy sports car... dun tell me u no money...
Me: dun bully me la... i 1st time come le... dunno wat to do oso...
Ken: juz choose 1 girl n start throwing money at her...
Me: huh?
Ken: buy her drinks, buy her flower... dun juz sit there gong gong le...
Me: ok la...
Ken: knn... all of us come here spend money like king... u dun spoiil our reputation n be a fucking miser ok...
Me: okok...
Ken: u got c the singers oni go to those tables n say hi, drink 1 glass then move on to next table?
Me: uh huh...
Ken: then our table they spend more time here?
Me: ya...
Ken: knn its bcos we already have reputation here... all the girls know we got money to throw around that's y they come n entertain us...
Me: oooooo...
Ken: n u dun waste time buy 1 drink or hang 1 flower... u want to buy, buy $100 worth...
Me: WHAT??
Ken: we cannot be so stingy... wan to up the girl, better spend... u hiong hiong spend now n the girl will b urs for her whole stay in sg... juz for ur info, they come here 3-6 mths one ah...
Me: wah... u mean now felicia is ur fuck buddy...
Ken: eh... i not so bo sim one... she is my gf...
Me: but u're married wif kids!!
Ken: so?? we come out to play, we muz play hard... end of the day know how to go back to family can liao...

to be continued...

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