The Asian Commercial Sex Scene

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latebloomer 06-09-2008 11:35 AM

latebloomer's originals
Hi, guys!
Been away from the forum for quite a bit.
Have been posting some of my stories in another forum.
The forum, in its older form, went down, and my posting were gone.
Thought maybe I should post them here instead.
Please let me know what you think.
I have about 70+ stories, and will post them as regularly as I can.

latebloomer 06-09-2008 11:37 AM

Here's the first...
The Legend of The Wolf

It has been told, mostly in a whisper
This tale of one so bold, so strong
Who made PDMMs shiver
Some with delight, others with fear
When he comes no one knows
For he looks no different from You or Me
Yet when he leaves them, they will tell
Of how he conquered without effort
Overcame without strive
The resistance withered and tattered
The ladies relinquished their stand, released their pride
Allowing him to perform as he will, they somehow realised
All for the better, for them and for him

When he started, no one knows
They say he’s been around forever
From the west to the east on this small island
Where there’s a parlour he’s been seen
Tall and hunky, dark and huge
His steed is a Scrambler slick and tall
His phone not often seen at all

A smile so disarming it makes them weak
So smooth a demeanor they judge him meek
Until he traps them in a vice so strong
They succumb and whimper
And say he’s too long
They may struggle and fight at first
He wears them down, he makes them frown
And wonder just why they give to him
What he wishes, every fancy and whim
As he departs, they seem to hear
Subtle howling fading in their ears

(Inspired by the derring-do of one of our most daring members.
Don't think he needs any introduction)

spicywings 06-09-2008 11:51 AM

Re: latebloomer's originals
got sexual content meh? sounds abit bo lian leh..:rolleyes:

Beeririan 06-09-2008 11:53 AM

Re: latebloomer's originals
Do continue thanks :)

farark 07-09-2008 01:07 AM

Re: latebloomer's originals

Originally Posted by spicywings (Post 3037051)
got sexual content meh? sounds abit bo lian leh..:rolleyes:

Please work on your comprehension before trying to shoot your mouth off... Obviously you've not been here long enough to figure who he's talking about... :D

Bro latebloomer... Long time no read... Keep it coming please...

fenwick 07-09-2008 01:53 AM

Re: latebloomer's originals
Please continue . Cheers !:)

latebloomer 08-09-2008 03:44 PM

Want sexual content? Hokay...
The Legend of The Wolf

It was the year 2000, the turn of the century.

Two PPDMs were talking. Seated at one corner of a shop located at one end of a Chinatown shopping centre, they were sharing about their children, their work, and eventually one of them started to tell the story of her experience just a few days ago.

"It was strange, very strange," she said, "I've never met another customer like that before."

"You mean this guy I saw walking out of our shop just, what, four days ago?" her friend asked.

"Yes, that's the one. Tall, chunky, just this side of being fat."

"I noticed his skin. Looks like he had chickenpox before or something?"

"Probably. But somehow he looks familiar, comfortable, and safe."

"Safe?" the friend asked, curious.

"Yes, safe. You just trust him, without really knowing why. And all during the first time I met him." A wistful look appeared on her weathered face as she recalled the strange sensations he gave her when she first saw him stepping through the door.

"Was he a difficult customer?"

"Difficult? No, not at all. Just naughty, very naughty in fact." she said with a smile.

"Oh? So he was all over you? But then they all do that anyway." the friend asked, a look of contempt very obvious on her face.

"He's different somehow. I don't know how to say it, but I ended up giving in more than I would usually."

"You mean?" Now she was intrigued. Her friend used to twirl men around her little finger by withholding favors. For her to succumb to this man was surprising.

"Yes, I did."

"All the way?!"

"I couldn't resist him. Don't ask me why, I just gave him what he wanted." That secret smile appeared again.

"Did he force you?" said her friend.

"Well, he was very fast. Before I could use my usual tricks to play it down, he had my blouse off, my jeans down to my knees and his hands were all over."

"But I didn't hear any sound of struggling. I was in the next cubicle that day," the friend said, trying hard to recall.

"I didn't scream because I just felt I wanted him to carry on. Somehow he was doing just the right things, so I just let him continue," she said, remembering just how right it seemed with him, and of course, how hard and strong he was.

"Wow! No wonder you looked so happy that evening. Now I know why."

"He was rather good too. I have to give him that."

"So you enjoyed it eh?"

"Quite a bit actually. He was big. And he could last."

"Oh! Do you think he's coming back again?"

"Why? You interested eh?"

"Why not?"

"I think he'll be back. I hope so anyway," she said. For no reason, she was suddenly thinking of wolves, running wild in the winter wilderness, baying at the moon, mating in the open.

Fast forward to 2003.

Outside a tui na shop in Joo Chiat Road, a scrambler pulled out. The rider kicked the stand down, leaning the bike on it and got off. (cue: opening notes of For A Few Dollars More)

As he flipped off his tinted goggles, and removed the helmet in one smooth action born of practice, his dark smoky eyes took in the multitude of similar shops all along that stretch. He returned his gaze to the targeted shop in front. A signboard says DHL.

After locking the helmet on the bike, and the leather jacket along with it, the tall heavy-set man began to walk across the short distance towards the shop. Remembering something, he stopped, whipped out his PDA-phone and flipped opened the cover, in that smooth cool style that would seemed so colloquial on any other. A quick SMS, a short call to the office and the machine disappeared into his shirt pocket.

As he got near the shop, a woman opened the door and welcomed him in. He looked at her, and she could see that he was appraising her expertly, noting her figure, her face, his gaze lingering on her ample chest. She knew she had him.

One hour later, the man stepped out. The same woman stood behind him, bid him goodbye, a look of longing in her eyes. Her face appeared flushed, a few beads of sweat stood out on her forehead, and her breath was somewhat ragged. If one observed more carefully, you can see that her blouse seemed just that bit untidy, and her skirt was slightly skewed, as if they were just hastily removed and replaced. As she took another deep breath, you can see that her top buttons were undone, showing off the deep groove in between.

The man crossed to his faithful steed, waiting patiently for its master's return, an hour parking coupon clipped to its handlebar. As the woman watched, he slipped the helmet back on his head, replaced the goggles, and kick-started the tall macho bike to life. (cue: familiar notes from The Long Ranger)

The satisfied woman attempted to wave, but he was not looking at her. He was looking forward, his gaze distant, perhaps seeing further conquests to be made. As the noisy bike moved off, she seemed to hear a wolf howling in the distance, with a faint echo resounding in her ears. Shaking her head for having such a strange imagination, she closed the door and walked back into the room to prepare it for the next customer. As she moved slowly on her wobbly legs, she made a silent prayer: "Please let him come back soon!"

The End

(Those who have been in this forum long enough, and in yet another still ongoing, would know this guy. He has a reputation that needs no introduction. He's still posting about his latest adventures. Not sure if he's doing so here though.)

latebloomer 08-09-2008 04:04 PM

Okay, another one...

The soup was pungent, with a very strong smell of Chinese herbs. I took my first sip and found it to be quite good.

"Told you it was good right?" the girl said. I nodded my head. I took a few more sips and she grinned. "Don't believe me some more!" she added.

Sporting a head of short, boyish hair tinted a peculiar shade of brown, the towkay's daughter sat next to me and watched me finished the herbal grass tortoise soup. Wearing her usual getup of tight khaki shorts and sleeveless T-shirt, she was slender with squarish shoulders and slightly sinewy but shapely legs.

"Hmm?" I was surprised. I had been eating at this coffeeshop for years as my office was in the next block. This girl had been here for as long as I can remember. I had never found her attractive, preferring the taller, more demure look of the girl selling Laksa. Besides, her breasts, which she confidently displayed in her tight T-shirts, can only be categorized as sub-A, A being 'Almost nothing'. Why was I getting a response then, and a raging one at that?

She was grinning broadly as if she knew what was happening to me under the table. "I added special ingredient to your soup. It's working right?" she said softly.

"What? Special ingredient? But why?" I asked.

"It's something I got from a friend, who bought it in Thailand. Supposed to make a man very strong," she said, "I bought it specially for you. You know I'm interested in you right?" She said the last with a shy smile.

"Now what? It's become so hard!" I was getting worried. What if it wouldn't go down?

"My father rented a flat upstairs. For us to bath and rest. Also to store some of our things. I bring you there now." The way she looked at me, I knew exactly what she had in mind. And that thought had obviously crept into mine too.

I walked a short distance behind her. We entered the lift together and she immediately pressed herself against me. "Wow! You're really hard!!" she exclaimed. Then she kissed me, pushing her tongue right between my lips.

She brought me into the house. I felt my body burning, as if a fire was smoldering in my loins. She indicated the bedroom and I dragged her inside. After she locked the door, I fumbled with my clothes. "Quickly, I feel like I'm burning up! " I begged. She began to strip.

When she saw me naked, she was stunned. Pointing straight at her, as stiff as a rod, all seven inches of it, my dong looked almost twice its usual girth.

Pushing her onto the bed, I quickly got between her thighs. Holding her knees apart, I inserted my throbbing member into her. Although a little dry, she became nice and juicy very fast as I made short shallow jabs. Soon I was going deep and strong, plunging in and out and in and out...

"Oh..oh..oh..ohhh!" she moaned, gripping me tightly inside. I could feel rhythmic contractions milking me, stroking my erection feverishly within. I watched her grimaced, knowing it's intense pleasure and not pain she was feeling. I relaxed my guard and, overwhelmed, I ejaculated.

After my withdrawal and despite the ejaculation, I was still stiff. Lying on the bed with my dick pointed ceiling-ward, I asked her, "Look! It's still standing at attention!"

"I'm sore from just now. Okay, how about going this way?" She got on her knees and elbows, offering me the puckered orifice behind. "I suppose it'll have to do for now." I answered. I got up and got ready....

"DO U STILL WANT THIS?" the auntie asked loudly. She indicated the half-empty bowl of soup on the table in front of me. "Hey, Xiao Lian eh! You dreaming ah?"

"!" I answered. I got up quickly, knocking the chair over. With my face and ears feeling warm and swollen, I dashed out of the coffeeshop.

The End

latebloomer 08-09-2008 04:19 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals

Originally Posted by spicywings (Post 3037051)
got sexual content meh? sounds abit bo lian leh..:rolleyes:

Do you mean 'bo liao'? :rolleyes:

If you're one of those who need to see the word 'fuck' several times in a story for it to 'got sexual content', then please apply elsewhere.
My stories do not contain that word much, but I can reassure you, that they are erotic stories nonetheless.
Anyway, enough with the offence-defence. None have been taken by me.
Well, not much... :p

Please feel free to judge, criticize, discuss, whatever. My ego not so fragile that it will shatter with bad reviews.
I do have some longer stories which may take several posts to complete. I would request for reviews to be posted after the stories are finished, so as not to disrupt the few who may actually be enjoying them. Thanks!!

singaporehero 08-09-2008 06:44 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals
bro i like, pl continue

Spud_Boy 08-09-2008 08:13 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals
not the usual mill of stories.. but definately worth a read.. :D

Plating 08-09-2008 08:43 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals
70+ stories... must have a good collection.

hellyea! 08-09-2008 10:10 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals
good read, latebloomer!
you are interesting

ol'coyote 09-09-2008 02:44 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals
allo my good old fren...nice to see you again...
hehe...good to be able to read your stories again...
aiyo...u make me paiseh leh...start off wif stories about me...
your mobile number still no change ?...
we meet up for some kopi ?...or you prefer chivas ?...

latebloomer 09-09-2008 03:12 PM

Ah, the man himself, or should I say, the wolf?
Gentleman, this the man!
My first few stories inspired by this guy's exploits.

Thanx for the offer, Ol. My hp still same no.
Kopi should be fine. Chivas too rich for me...:D

latebloomer 09-09-2008 03:15 PM

2nd in series of 4

"This pair of pants is just too tight!" I complained. Holding it up, I handed it to the sales girl,

The girl took the pants and placed it over a rack. She handed me another, one size larger. I was about to go back into the fitting room when she said, "Why don't I come in with you so you can show me exactly where's the problem?" I thought I noticed a twinkle in her eyes.

The room was fairly spacious as far as fitting rooms go. No one noticed her following behind me. She latched the door and turned to face me. "Go on, show me!" she demanded.

She kept her eyes on me as I removed my pants. She watched me put on the larger pair she handed me. I could get it up to my waist. I could even button up, but when it came time to do the zip, I got stuck once again. I started taking it off.

"I think I know where the problem is." She stepped towards me and cupped my balls from outside my briefs. "These are too big!"

"Hey, they are not the only things that are big," I guided her hand to my dick, sitting snuggly supported.

"Yes, this is huge!" she exclaimed. "Can I see, please?" Her big brown eyes looked pleadingly at me. How could I refuse her?

I pulled down my briefs and she gasped. Hanging midway down the length of my thighs, my dong was impressive even to me!

"Here," I guided her soft hand to grasp it, "Try waking it up."

Grinning, she gave my long sausage a tentative shake. It began to fill up, expanding right before her eyes. "Wait," I said. I moved over to the stool and sat down.

"Wow! It's really growing. Must be happy to see me." She knelt, still holding on to the awakening one-eyed snake.

"How about seeing more of you?" I said as I pulled her to her feet. I had her blouse unbuttoned in seconds, unclipping the convenient clasp located between the half cups. Reaching under short skirt, I found her cotton panty, quickly pulled it down and off her.

"Umm, you're fast!" As she said that, I had my hands pressing on her plump behind and my mouth over the left nipple. "Ohh!"

"Shh, not so loud! You don't want your manager to rush in here eh?" I warned. I moved my mouth over to her right nipple. Down under her skirt, I was feeling her bare cunt. "I shaved. Ahhh!" she cried.

She was wet, really wet. The lips felt plump and juicy. "Quickly, I gotta get back to work," she whispered in my ear. She straddled me as I sat, rapidly inserting my meat monster up her welcoming cunt.

With her arms around my neck, her lovely breasts were in my face. I sucked hungrily as she rode me, my hands cupping her behind for support.

"Uhhh...ohhh...yessss!" she hissed through through clenched teeth. "I'm cummming..." as she bounced up and down.

Afterwards, we stood outside the fitting room. "Looks like I'm not going to get my pants today," I said, adjusting my shirt. She flashed her sales girl's smile just as her supervisor walked by, "We're getting new stocks in a few days, Sir. Maybe you would like to come again then?"

"Maybe I will," I answered.

After the older woman turned the corner, she said in a lower, seductive voice, "Cum tomorrow?" I winked.

“Sir? Sir, are you alright? You were staring and mumbling to yourself," she said, a look of concern on her face.

I looked up at her. Quickly getting up from the stool, I pushed the pair of pants into her hands. "" I stammered as I ran out.

latebloomer 09-09-2008 03:23 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals

Originally Posted by Plating (Post 3044079)
70+ stories... must have a good collection.

Well, it's actually a little more than now.
Been writing these since a couple of yrs ago, and still doing it, just less often.
I may post some new stories whenever possible.
The 70+ includes both short ones, like these, and some rather long (-winded) ones.
Hopefully some of them will be to your taste.

latebloomer 09-09-2008 03:24 PM

3rd of 4

"Now, lie down on the couch so I can change your dressing." This was a new nurse, a Malay, probably one of the nursing students.

I walked over slowly. The pain was much less now but it was still there, particularly if I moved too quickly. With a little struggle, I got onto the couch.

"So, eh, where's the wound?" she asked, looking up and down. "Eh, it's here," I said, indicating my groin.

"Okay, pull down your shorts then. No need to be shy." She pulled the curtains around the couch. "Oh, that's interesting!"

Of all the stupid places to have an abscess, I had to get one on my upper thigh, just at the side of my scrotum. The doctor had cut the abscess open to drain the pus. Now I required daily dressings at the government clinic.

She peeled off the previous dressing, done the day before by an old staff nurse. I had to spread my thighs so she could reach the wound with her instruments.

I had enough of staring at ceilings so I turned to look at her. She was leaning over my groin, cleaning it with a piece of cotton soaked in some antiseptic solution. As she noticed me looking, she gave me a smile, flashing her bright white teeth.

"Don't worry. I'll be very gentle," she reassured me. I nodded. From the side, she looked rather buxom, her chest really straining against her uniform. Her bottom also appeared to be well padded and it tapered down to shapely legs. As she concentrated on her work, she bit her lower lip.

Suddenly she said in a quiet voice, "You like what you see, don't you?" I was stunned. I did not expect her to catch me staring. Then I realised what had happened. Thinking about her had caused a certain area of my anatomy to respond. And she was standing right over it!

"I like what I see too," she continued, indicating the bulge in my briefs. She bent over and whispered in my ear, "Want me to do something about it?"

"Sure! But what're you gonna do?" I asked. I reached over and placed a hand on her full behind. It felt plump, like a firm pillow. "What I can, Sayang." she answered.

She had finished the dressing. Pulling down my briefs revealed my raging erection. Using some of the antiseptic solution, she cleansed it, then wiped it dry thoroughly. Gripping the stiff shaft midway, she bent her head slowly down till she had the tip between her lips, like a deformed lollipop. Then she began to descend, taking almost three quarters in before she stopped.

While she bopped like a deranged piston, I pushed my fingers between her buttocks to the plump folds just in front. "Umm..." she mumbled, still sucking greedily. I managed to insert three fingers almost up to the knuckles. She struggled to keep from moaning out too loud.

Not able to contain myself, I ejaculated soon after. At that precise moment, she gasped in ectasy.

"Hello! Wake up! Have you fainted?"

I opened my eyes. She glared at me. "Come on! You need to get up. I've got so many dressings to do!" She helped me to my feet.

" se!" I stumbled out of the polyclinic.

The End

latebloomer 09-09-2008 03:35 PM

4th of 4

She was petite, slightly bottom heavy, with short stout legs. Her eyes were rather big. Bambi eyes. A non too impressive chest, but it was there. Wide mouth, cute smile. She placed the tea on the table and was about to leave.

"So Madam not home yet? She told me to come at three.'' He was getting impatient. Three p.m. was twenty minutes ago.

"She says tell you she got urgent matter. Ask you please wait for her. She says she will rush back.'' With that she turned and went into the kitchen. He watched her behind move off, clad in a pair of denim shorts. His heart racing suddenly. Mouth dry and sand-papery.

"Oh, I forgot! Madam says I keep you happy until she comes home." She came back and stood before him.

''That sounds much better!'' He stood up. She reached out. Hand in hand into one of the three rooms.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Supriati." She looked at him shyly, her Bambi eyes turning away quickly.

He saw that this must be her bedroom. One single bed, a small cupboard for her clothes. A pile of Malay magazines besides the bed. CDs of Indonesian pop-songs strewn on the floor next to a portable player.

He sat on the bed, still holding on to her hand. She stood a head taller next to him sitting. Looking down at him, excited yet hesitant. Waiting for his next move.

"Supriati, you must be lonely," he said, putting his arms around her waist.

Self-consciously she placed her hands on his shoulder, then leaned over to meet his lips. Warm. Tender. Very soft. She tasted of unfulfilled desires. The kind that wakes her up in the middle of the night. That makes her shudder as she reaches a trembling hand below her blanket to caress her own sweaty body. Then makes her struggle to suppress her moans and cries of ecstasy.

He pulled her onto the bed. Pushed her down so he could straddle her cocoa-brown thighs while he stripped her of her T-shirt. A cream-colored bra underneath. Then unzipped her denim shorts, revealing a pair of black panty.

She had small breasts. They appeared even smaller from her lying down, but her nipples looked very dark, almost black in color and long. Her fleshy upper arms had firm muscles underneath, probably from all the housework she did.

Her abdomen felt very soft. Almost no muscle tone at all, like there was cotton inside. She was ticklish, giggled and wriggled about when he caressed her there. Later, even more giggling when he licked and bit her lightly around the umbilicus.

He made her sit up, sat behind her with his erection pressing against the small of her back. Cupped her breasts, played with her erect nipples. Listened to her moan softly while he licked her ears and the side of her neck just below. Louder, more urgent when he explored her wetness. Faster and faster he went, his fingers frigging in rhythm now.

Moving her onto her elbows and knees, his erection in his left hand at the ready. Into her it went. Smoothly, deeply. Repeatedly.

Soon he was going in rhythm, on his knees and holding her wide behind. She moaned loudly. He pumped faster and faster, reaching for his own orgasm, not really caring if she enjoyed what he was doing. Faster, faster.

As he shot his load, he suddenly heard a female voice calling his name. "Mr Seah, Mr Seah!"

And there she was. The mother of his student. The idiot had created so much trouble in school he had to waste his Saturday afternoon doing a home visit. And the mother had made him wait!

''Now Mr Seah, what did Ah Boy do this time?'' she asked, a bored look on her face.

latebloomer 09-09-2008 03:46 PM

Long one, in verse too, so please indulge me kay?
He Dreams

he dreams of breasts:

flat ones, barely-there ones,
nubs, mere buttons,
with tiny pink nipples;

huge ones, monstrous ones, hanging heavy, awe-inspiring,
suffocating, straining, stretching, bruising;

moderate ones, pleasing,
easy handling, sweet, gently swaying;

he dreams of handling them,
holding, grabbing, gripping,
squeezing, pressing, slapping,
licking, tasting, sucking,
biting, tonguing, choking;

he dreams of cunts:

tiny hairless ones,
fresh, clean, constricting,
perversely tempting,
criminally inviting;

virginal ones, mildly hirsute,
sweet smelling and tight, restrictive,

experienced ones, full bodied,
with firm fitting closeness,
moist, well-lubricated,

mature ones,
atrophied and dessicated,
awkward, denuded and drained;

he dreams of smelling them,
probing the wrinkled folds,
exploring within and out,
teasingly, unceasingly,
tweaking the clitori,
flicking the female erection,
making them sing,
a conductor of erotic masterpieces;

he dreams of legs:

long slim ones,
model-thin ones,
with fair smooth skin,
to glide his hands upon;

short ones, plump ones,
fleshy and real ones,
hairy, taut, and massive;

shapely ones,
meaty but nice ones,
flexible, pliant, shaved;

he dreams of removing sheer stockings,
the tingle and crackle of static,
feeling the texture, enjoying their forms, the varying architecture,
teasingly searching for 'hot spots', sensitive, erogenous,
finally parting, exposing and preparing;

he dreams of bodies:

tall slim ones,
restrained ones,
starved into perfection,
nubile, sad and futile;

fleshy fat ones, corpulent,
indulgent, overwhelming,
layered and enfolding,

in-between ones,
oddly-shaped ones,
feminine, titillating,
ultimately satisfying;

waking up from slumber, he remembers:

wild trips up north,
long journeys on night coaches,
with friends, or alone,
the cheap hotels and the cheaper street foods,
and praying to the Four-faced Buddha;

bright neon, blinking suggestively,
ear-blasting music, cheap beer,
and easily available girls;

soft, tender girls,
ever so gentle and demure,
willing, submissive,
most accommodating;

so many nights,
and days, of exhausting exertion,
coupling and copulating with abandon;

he tosses and turns, moans and dreams:

Of sweet sweet boys who were something else,
so different, so refreshing,
a friend's suggestion taken seriously,
boredom lending easily to eager experimentation,

Of domination, these soft pretty boys,
with their impossibly slim lithe bodies,
smooth unblemished skins, long flexible limbs,
and oh-so-very-tight;

Of untethered lust driving him to further conquests,
bottomless desires, unfulfilled demands,
endless days and tireless nights;

he mouths curses, mumbles, and recalls:

cries of anguish, words of kindness,
unwanted advice, ceaseless and irritating,
grating, hurting, cutting,
anger-inducing, mostly ignored;

loud nights of angry words,
screeching cries,
his old mother grappling,
slapping, falling,
as he threatens, fists shaking,
eyes wild;

he slumbers, sleeps drugged and sedated,
thoughts swirling:

Of strange ugly growths,
over skin once healthy and tanned,
painful ulcers that do not heal,
in a mouth too devastated to even swallow,
shallow, gasping breaths,
burning all the way down to his lungs;

Of foreign sounding terms,
Overheard and retained,
Kaposi something or other,
Candida one or the next,
And others vaguely mentioned;

he opens his eyes,
he sees another one,
enters silently in pristine starched white,
looks him over patiently,
smiling as she works,
marking on his charts and leaves;

he hears his names called,
this one is old, male, and wears white,
he thinks of his father long gone,
he sees the thick book bound in leather,
held in hands so serene,
hears the words spoken in a voice so calm,
and knows why;

he tries to breathe,
the pain coursing through his body strangelt distant,
he tries again,

And stops dreaming

The End

latebloomer 09-09-2008 03:54 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals
Sorry for the typo in the last post, in last few lines.
Here's the corrected version:

he hears his name called,
this one is old, male, and wears white,
he thinks of his father long gone,
he sees the thick book bound in leather,
held in hands so serene,
hears the words spoken in a voice so calm,
and knows why;

he tries to breathe,
the pain coursing through his body strangely distant,
he tries again,

And stops dreaming

farark 09-09-2008 05:02 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals

This thread is getting to be a blast!

Bros ol & latebloomer. I guessed over the years, we've gone through many WLs MILFs, PDMMs...

I remember the treasure hunts I went through to check out ol's joints... And if I remember correctly gave me the contact for Helen/Pauline when she was operating out of the point block HDB.

Would love to meet up for drinks or kopi sometime...

If keen let's PM and meetup...

ol'coyote 09-09-2008 06:35 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals
bro...4got to mention...
the other forum is back up...
but your stories are really lost...
unless the admin there can wake up...
and do something to extract from the old database...

ol'coyote 09-09-2008 06:39 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals

Originally Posted by farark (Post 3046791)

This thread is getting to be a blast!

Bros ol & latebloomer. I guessed over the years, we've gone through many WLs MILFs, PDMMs...

I remember the treasure hunts I went through to check out ol's joints... And if I remember correctly gave me the contact for Helen/Pauline when she was operating out of the point block HDB.

Would love to meet up for drinks or kopi sometime...

If keen let's PM and meetup...

allo farak...
those not me joint lah...
those were after LB pointed them out to me...

ol'coyote 09-09-2008 06:46 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals

Originally Posted by farark (Post 3046791)

This thread is getting to be a blast!

Bros ol & latebloomer. I guessed over the years, we've gone through many WLs MILFs, PDMMs...

I remember the treasure hunts I went through to check out ol's joints... And if I remember correctly gave me the contact for Helen/Pauline when she was operating out of the point block HDB.

Would love to meet up for drinks or kopi sometime...

If keen let's PM and meetup...

allo farak...
those not me joint lah...
those were after LB pointed them out to me...

farark 09-09-2008 09:40 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals

Originally Posted by ol'coyote (Post 3047040)
allo farak...
those not me joint lah...
those were after LB pointed them out to me...

LB pointed them to you and pointed Helen aka Pauline to me... Hmm... Does that then make him a pointer? :D


Plating 09-09-2008 09:40 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals

Originally Posted by latebloomer (Post 3046536)
Well, it's actually a little more than now.
Been writing these since a couple of yrs ago, and still doing it, just less often.
I may post some new stories whenever possible.
The 70+ includes both short ones, like these, and some rather long (-winded) ones.
Hopefully some of them will be to your taste.

Regardless long or short, is the effort of type it out. You enjoy the writing and we enjoy the reading. 2 tiny peas for your effort. ;)

Leeson 09-09-2008 11:01 PM

Re: latebloomer's originals

Originally Posted by ol'coyote (Post 3046429)
allo my good old fren...nice to see you again...
hehe...good to be able to read your stories again...
aiyo...u make me paiseh leh...start off wif stories about me...
your mobile number still no change ?...
we meet up for some kopi ?...or you prefer chivas ?...

haha, the first story is really obvious lor... :D:D

latebloomer 10-09-2008 01:55 PM

Thanks for your comments Here's a long one...8 parts

"Pass me the towel, would you?" she called from the bathroom.

I took it from the back of the chair and crossed the carpeted floor. She stood in the drained tub, dripping water and suds, a huge smile on her face.

"Thanks!" she said, reaching for the fluffy towel. Still grinning, she began drying her shoulder-length hair. I leaned against the tiled wall in shorts, my arms folded.

"Glad to see you're enjoying the view," she said, now dabbing at her body with the towel.

"I see what I like, and I like what I see," I said.

I had always enjoyed looking at her. Her lanky frame sports lean shapely legs, narrow hips, and slightly sinewy arms, results of regular badminton games and laps after laps at the pool. She had lost the wide-eyed innocence of a few years ago, acquiring instead an edgier attitude and a more mature outlook.

Working with under-privileged children was probably the main reason for the change. She married her love for children with her calling in social work. For personal reasons, she decided to specialize and deal mainly with children who had been abused.

"A penny for your thought," she said, wrapping the large towel around her slim body.

"Oh, just remembering how you used to be."

"You seem to be doing a lot of reminiscing these two days," she said. "Not gonna get all sentimental on me are you?"

"God forbid!" I laughed. I reached for her, fluffy towel and all. She gave me a kiss, a soft peck on the lips which quickly became something more engaging.

"If you're trying to distract me, it's working," I said. Her lips were working their way to my right ear. She knew the exact buttons to push.

"Mmm..." She took my earlobe in her soft plump lips, then teased the folds with the tip of her tongue. I could feel her fingers playing around my left nipple.

She smelled so fresh from her shower. Her wet hair tickled the back of my neck. I put my hands out and gently unwrapped her. Her body felt warm and moist as my hands reached around her waist.

"Are we going to get kinky and do it right here?" she whispered into my ear. I could feel her other hand reaching down to assess my level of excitement.

to be cont

latebloomer 10-09-2008 02:01 PM

"Why not?" I grinned. I threw the towel over the rack and looked at her lovely body. "It's too far to the bed!"

Her fair skin contrasted with the dark gray of the counter top, her behind half a foot from the sink. She wrapped her thighs around me, hooking her ankles together. We played with each other's tongue.

Without preamble, I entered her and found her eager and ready. Soon her soft moans echoed off the walls. Beads of sweat gathered at her forehead. I licked them off one by one, enjoying the salty bite on my tongue. Those I missed collected at her chin, flew off to land between her breasts before running down further.

"A good start to a fine day eh?" I asked later. I stood in the shower, the cold water washing off my sweat. She was drying herself after having done the same.

A quick smile lit up her face as she nodded. "That really hits the spot," she said. "Nice way to start a vacation." She wrapped the towel around her and walked towards the small kitchen.

I took the glass of wine from her. The breeze coming from the coast brought with it the smell of the sea. We sat on the balcony and waited for the sunset.

Below us, the beach was almost empty. Other couples were also enjoying the lovely view. This resort was famous for its seaview and very popular with Singaporeans.

"To a beautiful vacation," I toasted her, "and a lovely companion." We clinked glasses and sipped. The wine was nicely chilled and went down well. It was also making me hungry.

"Any suggestions for dinner?" she asked, having the same idea.

"You want to try the seafood restaurant on the beach?" I asked.

"And I have to dress up and put on shoes?" she said, "Can we not do that tonight?"

"Sure." I dialed for room service.

The steak they sent up was slightly more done than I'd prefer, but the lobster she ordered was very good, fresh and meaty, with butter and garlic to enhance the taste. We ate right on the balcony, with a table room service brought up, complete with a floral table cloth.

We drank more wine, toasted each other and took our time over the food. We had three more days there and it promised to be a vacation to remember. After we polished off the last bit of lobster, we finished the wine, enjoying the cool breeze and the soft sea sounds on the balcony.

to be cont

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