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Johnnykhan 08-07-2020 06:12 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
can't wait for new updates!!!

moonlightzz 08-07-2020 06:59 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
So that was it. After, 14.5 years of being single and (sort of) anti boys and BGRs, within a simple telephone call and a voicemail I was someone’s girlfriend. I’m quite sure at that point I still didn’t know what being someone’s significant other entails. In my mind, it was hugs, flowers and well.. kisses.

Our first official date as a couple was one Saturday morning where we both decided to bail out on our ECA and go paktor. (Well, if you consider breakfast and walk around the then pre-renovated Fort Canning Park paktor that is....) We met early... like REALLY early so as to arouse suspicion from my parents. I went over to his place, dumped my uniform there, got changed into something date worthy and off we went.

The whole time I was still trying to come to terms with being someone’a girlfriend and admittedly couldn’t concentrate on being “present” at the date. Whereas for him, he was rattling on and on sweet nothings (I think...) and all the places he wanted to bring me to.

After a stroll which seemed like eternity in the park, we decided to sit and catch a breather at one of the pavilions. (Please don’t ask me which... it’s like more than 20 years ago already...). Our hands never parted except when necessary. It felt strange to have someone holding my hand, much less a guy that isn’t my father.

So while seated at the pavilion, we chatted a little about our lives, told him about my 12 years prior to entering this school. I can’t remember what exactly were we chatting on but there was this silent moment that lingered more than awhile... then it happened... he leaned forward and stole my first kiss...

A guy kissed me! On our first date, on my first official date! Not sure if I oughta be happy or not...

The moment we kissed immediately he was trying to put his tongue into my mouth. He was trying to french me...

That’s speed for you... so I lost my first kiss and got frenched for the 1st time in the same action... smooth... real smooth...

earlrock 08-07-2020 07:07 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
Support nice story! :)

ibanezjem555 08-07-2020 09:16 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
Uppz Sis Moonlightzzz ... love the authenticity.. keep the story real as I would rather hear a real account than fiction.. way to go Sis !

moonlightzz 08-07-2020 09:27 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
Kisses were always to be exchange in the pinnacle of romantic moments.. at least that’s what they were to me Blame it on the novels that I read maybe. In my mind, I always pictured my Prince Charming wrapping me with his arms, eyes fixated on me, full eyes of passion and desire as he inches those sweet lips towards mine and gently planting light smooches.

I felt cheated, really cheated. My first was nothing like that.. in fact, if anything I felt like an assassin planted them on me. Not going to lie, that first experience killed my dream...

That was the most eventful thing that first date... Eventful and traumatic.. I’m not going to deny, the physical pleasure was... pleasurable, but mentally I was telling myself that no this was all happening to fast for my liking. I have to stop.

Following that first date, we were back to voicemails, stealing glances and the occasional lunch after ECA. Don’t get me wrong, I was ok with

Fate is a cruel game master. She loves to put you in situations that you loathe to be in...

That Sept hols, my father was invited to a black tie seminar thingy held in HK. Plus one were expected, hence my mother naturally had to accompany him. The entirety of the trip was 4D3N, from Tuesday to Friday. Their plan was to fly out on Monday evening, and fly in on Sunday, having a single day R&R to catchup with some of my mum’s friends who were living in HK.

I remember mentioning it casually to Brian and I’ll have you know that I could quite literally hear his smile over the voicemail...

moonlightzz 08-07-2020 09:30 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
Thanks. I’m only writing as the flashbacks come to Memory is a little hazy after 20 years...


Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 (Post 20084868)
Uppz Sis Moonlightzzz ... love the authenticity.. keep the story real as I would rather hear a real account than fiction.. way to go Sis !

Rickey 08-07-2020 10:42 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me

Originally Posted by Rickey (Post 20083849)
Story has an interesting title from a guy's POV n is written in very good english :);)...3rd camper here ;)..Adding my support & encouragement to TS sis with my +20 cherries later today :) far very good !...plss continue asap sis

As promised...hv given TS sis my +20 sweet cherries :)...powering up^^her points from 70 to 90 :)....Keep sharing sis !

garion 08-07-2020 10:50 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me

Originally Posted by moonlightzz (Post 20084889)
Thanks. I’m only writing as the flashbacks come to Memory is a little hazy after 20 years...

that's okay. good memories will come back to you somehow.........:D

moonlightzz 08-07-2020 11:23 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
Not all memories are good


Originally Posted by garion (Post 20084995)
that's okay. good memories will come back to you somehow.........:D

moonlightzz 09-07-2020 04:28 AM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
My room to me has always been a safe haven, my sanctuary, a place where I could totally lose myself without a care in the world. Hence, even today I can't fathom why I'd allow (at that time) a boy into my room, even if he was my boyfriend. Besides, he was a boyfriend of barely 2 months.

Brian came over the day after my folks flew off. What's the worse that could happen right? A relative might just pop by, catch him in the house to which I could say he's a classmate working on a school project and they'd be none the wiser.

Keeping in mind that it was his O level year, my boyfriend (ex) did, to my surprise, bring over his books and mug. Though I can vouch for him that he did truly mug during the days he was over, I bet you readers can already guess that wasn't his only intention.

Sheryl Crow has a song titled "The First Cut is the Deepest", she couldn't be more right. Day 1 passed uneventfully, yes we kissed... and frenched but nothing beyond that. On the second day, he was studying as usual and I was also doing school assignments (I think). I remember the following as clearly as though it happened yesterday...

I was seated on my bed (I had relinquished my desk to him since he was supposed to be doing the heavier duty studying) busy with my school assignments, when I felt his hands come from behind me and wrap around mi waist. By that time, we had hugged and embraced each other (apart from kissing) a few times, so I paid little attention to it. As soon as he hugged me, he immediately went in and kissed my neck.

Now that was new, his lips has never touched anywhere else apart from mine at that time. It was sensual, it was calming, it was... good... this new sensation and experience. He kissed one side of my neck before moving onto the other and all the while as I was indulging in this new experience, his hands roamed from my waist. One hand moved upwards, the other downwards.

Brian's right hand moved sneakily under the bottom of my tee while the left hand playfully lingered on the waistband of my FBT. By this point, he had me tilt my head backwards and up and started frenching me. I was so lost in moment that I totally ignored his right hand that had found its way upwards from my abdomen and gently lingered along the hem of my bra. His fingers were stroking my lower chest area just right before my bra.

His left has graduated from toying the waistband of my FBT and inched downwards and under my shorts. His fingers were tracing along the waistband of my knickers, occasionally a finger would dive under the waistband, greeting my skin that was below it.

All these happened as he was still frenching me.

moonlightzz 09-07-2020 08:26 AM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
By this point I was aware of his touches, my mind was racing... "No, Moon, this is too fast! You have to stop!" I wanted it to. Then again there was the other part of me that was enjoying this newfound sensual experience. While the halves of my mental being was busy slugging it out with each other, I could feel his fingers slipping under my bra, caressing my under boob while working their way upwards.

Suddenly, there was it, a jolt like electricity was felt through my being. His finger had just brushed across my left nipple. That shook me and he must have felt me shiver too. I quickly retreated away from his embrace while both my hands quickly crossed themselves over my chest.

My sudden movement must have caught him offguard. I was breathing heavily and slightly shivering. "Dear dear, it's ok, it's ok" he was trying his best to reassure me and he crawled to my front and knelt facing me. I was trying to find the words to tell him that I felt all these was too fast and it didn't feel right. But all I could mutter was "I... I...".

"Dear Dear it's ok... Is normal... BFGF is like that..." those were the words he had repeated, as I was making sense of the situation. Brian was going on and on like broken record.

Then he said it...

I love you...


He repeated... I love you...

Call me innocent, call me naive. But to a 14 year old girl, those words were as sharp and they were magical. All my life up to this point, my only experience with the word "love" was telling my parents I love them back when I was in primary school. And of course, my teachers remding us time and again how much our parents love us. Apart from this, my only other experience of "love" was found mostly in my favourite Disney cartoons - Ariel loving Eric that she abandoned her mermaid heritage, Belle telling the Beast she loves him as he lay dying. To me these characters were examples of what ladies did for the guy that loved them. It was at this moment, my mental demon threw me a sucker punch...

"This guy loves you... What are you going to do?"

moonlightzz 09-07-2020 08:27 AM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
Brian must have sensed my hesitation. In my dilemma, he raised me to kneeling position and hugged me tightly while frenching me at the same time. This kiss went on for awhile. It succeeded in calming me down and lowering whatever heightened defences I had put up earlier. He knew that the tension within me was dissipating as he lowered my hands that had crossed in front of me. He whispered it to me again...

I love you...

He whispered it over and over.

Naive? Innocent? Probably.

No. Definitely.

With each declaration, internally I felt like Miley Cyrus' wrecking ball knocking down layer after layer of my walls. He knew he won the battle this round as he successfully pulled my arms down and straightened them, all the while locked in frenching me. Then I felt both his hands move up to my breasts. He held onto my breasts over my tee and bra gently and tried to knead both, squeezing softly. This was momentuous, I never had a guy touch me like this before.

Slowly Brian broke the kiss and leaned back, observing the work his hands were carrying out. I knew his gaze was locked onto me even though I had my eyes tightly shut. Then I felt him let go of my breasts and his hands travelled downwards and stopped at the bottom of my tee. I thought maybe that was it, all he wanted was to cop a feel of the young teenager before him and that was the end of it. Then I felt it. I felt my tee being lifted inch by inch.

If you'd ask me, my definition of magic at that moment would be my hands moving upwards according to the rising rhythm of my tee. I opened my eyes and looked down, staring as my tee moved closer and closer towards me. Soon all I saw was the fabric material of my tee upclose and a very very brief moment of darkness. I had closed my eyes.

When I reopened my eyes, I saw before me, my bra covered breasts. They were exposed to a guy for the very first time. Brian didn't waste time; he tossed my tee aside and turned his attention to my breasts. Both hands were grabbing my breasts while squeezing and kneading. His fingers were caressing along the edges of the cups of bra, annoucing what the next act would be.

He teased me by playing with the cups, gently lifting them and letting go before my bare breasts came into view. He was playing peekaboo with my breasts. He embraced me tightly while our lips locked again. I kept my eyes closed. At this point, I wasn't sure what to expect. Mind you, I was 14 years old. 14 and barely a half and all these were completely alien to me. Brian's hand roamed around my back, from the small of my back to the back of my head while his kisses were continuing their path of destruction of my defenses.

I was in an emotional crisis. I grew up with stories of fairytails where princes and princesses were engaged in courtship before their happy ever after. All these that was happening to me, that I was experiencing was not found anywhere in the books that I read. Would Belle allow herself to be undressed before she became his princess? Would Jasmine allow Aladdin to touch her intimates before they wed? While I did enjoy the sensual experience, I was struggling internally to justify what was happening to me. My mind raced through all that I've read and watched to find evidence that this, what Brian was doing to me, was acceptable. I desperately wanted vindication. Alas, I was more like Alice, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole.

We frenched for almost an eternity, his hands probably explored and touched every inch of my back before they arrived at where they intended to originally - the hooks of my bra. I could feel both his hands centered on the spot where hook and eyelet were locked together. I felt my bra grew tighter around my chest as he pulled both hook and eye together. I knew what was coming, it was something I experienced daily. The slight tightening feeling before relief. I held my breath. It felt like a lifetime before the sensation of relaxation came.

Brian's hands moved from my back to my shoulders, gently caressing them before they began their downward descent, taking both my shoulder straps along with them. I always desired to be a princess; I didn't feel like one. It's all a lie, a great big lie. There's nothing "princessy" about a guy removing layer after layer of my clothes. Nowhere have I ever read about princesses being stripped of their intimate garments.

He had broken our kiss and leaned back. Probably in eager anticipation to see his handiwork. My eyes were looking down the whole, afraid to look up and meet his. I observed my bra systematically leaving my chest as he removed them. I was afraid. Afraid of what his reaction when he saw... me. How was I to know? This is the first time I was being undressed by a guy. The shoulder straps soon left my arms, I swear everything happened as though it was in slo-mo. My eyes traced the action of his hands as he tossed my bra, the bra he had just stripped from me to the side and off the bed. I heard them land with dull thud on the floor of my bedroom. I looked at my reflection in my dresser mirror, a sight that I should have been used to now looked foreign to me.

There I was, for the first time in my life, topless.

And to sum it up topless before a guy.

I turned my head and looked at Brian, our eyes met for the first time since he started undressing me.


diputs1269 09-07-2020 11:31 AM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
Wah... feeling so shiok.

I want you to continue, cheers!

Rickey 09-07-2020 11:34 AM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me

Originally Posted by diputs1269 (Post 20085715)
Wah... feeling so shiok.

I want you to continue, cheers!

Me too !! :p...hehe

Steventan 09-07-2020 01:21 PM

Re: The Guys Who Had Me
Gearing up for more updates.
Camping here.

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